Ion Stoica
- 2010, Delay Scheduling: A Simple Technique for Achieving Locality and Fairness in Cluster Scheduling
- 2010, Spark: Cluster Computing with Working Sets
- 2009, A Common Substrate for Cluster Computing
- 2009, ODR: Output-Deterministic Replay for Multicore Debugging
- 2009, Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing
- 2009, Nexus: A Common Substrate for Cluster Computing
- 2008, A Policy- aware Switching Layer for Data Centers
- 2008, Modeling Middleboxes
- 2008, Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments
- 2007, Friday: Global Comprehension for Distributed Replay
- 2007, X-Trace: A Pervasive Network Tracing Framework