Third IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Location: San Francisco, California, September 14-18, 2009
Call for Posters
Important Dates
- Deadline for submissions (extended): April 30, 2009
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: May 28, 2009
- Deadline for camera-ready copy: June 19, 2009
SASO Posters provide an excellent forum for authors to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. Posters are ideal to showcase speculative, late-breaking results or to introduce interesting, innovative work. Posters sessions are highly interactive. They allow authors and interested participants to connect to each other and to engage in discussions about the work presented. Posters provide authors with a unique opportunity to draw attention to their work during the conference. Posters cover the same interest areas as the Research Papers. Specifically, submissions in the following key theme areas are encouraged:
- Self-organization
- Self-adaptation
- Other self-* properties (self-management, self-monitoring, self-tuning, self-repair, self-configuration, etc.)
- Theories, frameworks and methods for self-* systems
- Management and control of self-* systems
- Robustness and dependability of self-* systems
- Approaches to engineering self-* systems
- Control of emergent properties in self-* systems
- Biologically, socially, and physically inspired self-* systems
- Applications and experiences with self-* systems
Poster Content
Posters will be evaluated both on their contributions and on how effectively they communicate those contributions. All posters should include the following information:
- The purpose and the goals of the work.
- Any background and motivation information needed to understand the work as well as any critical hypotheses and assumptions that underlie the work, if appropriate.
- A summary of the contribution and/or results, in sufficient detail for a viewer to understand the work and/or results; especially key details, results and contributions, or the anticipated contributions if the work is at an early stage.
- The relationship to other related efforts, where appropriate. Authors of accepted posters may be asked to point out relationships to work represented by other accepted posters.
- Where to find additional information. This should include but is not restricted to:
- a web site where viewers can go to find additional information about the work
- how to contact the authors, including email addresses
- citations for any papers, books, or other materials that provide additional information
Poster Layout Guidelines
The presentation guide drawn up by IEEE and ACM for the Student Research Competition contains a lot of very useful information on how to produce a successful poster. In particular: "A picture is worth a thousand words." Guide viewers to the main issues and help them to understand the work quickly in order to attract more attention to your work. Few attendees will stop to read a large poster with dense text. If you use screen shots, please ensure that the shots print legibly and that the fonts are large enough to be read comfortably.
Submission Process
Electronic poster submissions should be emailed to and An extended, two-pages abstract is to be submitted for evaluation and selection.
Accepted Posters
If selected, we would require you to finally submit the poster or the preliminary graphic layout as well as the camera ready version of the extended abstract taking into account comments by the poster selection committee following the IEEE format for conference (see SASO '09 web site).
At least one of the poster authors is required to register at the conference and required to attend the scheduled interactive poster session, staying with the poster so that to discuss the work with conference attendees. Poster authors may post an informal schedule along with their poster, listing times when they plan to be available for discussion later on during the conference. Sign-up sheets allow interested viewers to obtain further information. All posters will have an associated message board, on which viewers can post comments, ideas, and questions and on which poster authors will be able to post responses. Posters are advertised in the Final Program, and authors' two-page extended abstracts will appear in the SASO 2009 Conference Proceedings, which will be distributed at SASO 2009. Attendees will be able to learn more about individual posters continuously during the whole of the conference.
For More Information
For additional information, clarification, or questions, please contact the Posters Co-Chairs, Jake Beal (jakebeal at and Salima Hassas (hassas at
Poster Chairs
- Jake Beal , BBN Technologies, USA
- Salima Hassas, University of Lyon, France
Program Committee
- Frederic Armetta, (University of Lyon, France)
- Greg Eisenhauer (Georgia Tech, USA)
- Carlos Gershenson (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
- Zahia Guessoum (University of Paris 6, France)
- Tom Holvoet, (KULeuven, Belgium)
- Pietro Lio,(University of Cambridge, UK)
- Marco Mamei, (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Ronaldo Menenzes (Florida Institute of Technology)
- Manish Parashar (Rutgers University, USA)
- Gauthier Picard (EMSE, France)
- Rajiv Ramnath (Ohio State University, USA)
- Wolfgang Renz (MIN Faculty - University of Hamburg)
- Paul Robertson (BBN Technologies, USA)
- Howard Shrobe (MIT, USA)
- Mikhail Smirnov (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany)
- Gregory Sullivan (BAE Systems, USA)
- Mirko Viroli (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Justin Werfel (Harvard, USA)
- Marco Zuniga (DERI, University of Ireland)
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