
Monday, September 14th

09:00am-5:00pm Tutorial Sessions

09:00am-5:00pm Workshop Sessions

Tuesday, September 15th

09:00am-5:00pm Tutorial Sessions

09:00am-5:00pm Workshop Sessions

Wednesday, September 16th

08:30am-10:00am Welcome and Opening Session

  • Opening remarks by Randy Katz, Giovanna Di Marzo
  • Comments by Conference Organizers (General Chairs, Program Chairs, Chairs for next SASO)
  • Keynote Address: David Patterson, University of California, Berkeley. Topic: Applying Machine Learning to Systems Management

10:00am-10:30am Coffee break

10:30am-12:00pm Session 1: Theory

  • Tom Holvoet, Danny Weyns and Paul Valckenaers. Patterns of Delegate MAS
  • Andrew Berns and Sukumar Ghosh. Dissecting Self-* Properties
  • Ivana Dusparic and Vinny Cahill. Distributed W-Learning: Multi-Policy Optimization in Self-Organizing Systems

12:00am-12:30pm Introduction to today's posters, Jake Beal, Salima Hassas

12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch (Conference Provided) + Poster session

1:30pm-3:00pm Session 2: Peer-to-peer and Swarms

  • Wojciech Galuba, Karl Aberer, Zoran Despotovic and Wolfgang Kellerer. Self-organized fault-tolerant routing in peer-to-peer overlays
  • Paul L. Snyder, Rachel Greenstadt and Giuseppe Valetto. Myconet: A Fungi-inspired Model for Superpeer-based Peer-to-Peer Overlay Topologies
  • Sven Brueckner, Robert Bisson, Theodor Belding and Elizabeth Downs. Swarming Polyagents Executing Hierarchical Task Networks

3:00pm-3:30pm Coffee break

3:30pm-5:00pm Session 3: Swarms

  • Arnaud Glad, Olivier Buffer, Olivier Simonin and François Charpillet. Self-Organization of Patrolling-Ant Algorithms
  • Sven Brueckner. Swarming Geographic Event Profiling, Link Analysis, and Prediction
  • Rodolphe Charrier, Christine Bourjot and François Charpillet. Study of Self-adaptation Mechanisms in a Swarm of Logistic Agents

Thursday, September 17th

8:30am-10:00am Session 1: Sensor Networks

  • Rosalind Wang, George Mathews, Don Price and Mikhail Prokopenko. Optimising Sensor Layouts for Direct Measurement of Discrete Variables
  • Peter Janacik and Alexander Kujat. Biologically-Inspired Construction of Connected k-Hop Dominating Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Dan Marinescu, Chen Yu and Gabriela Marinescu. Self-organization of Very Large Sensor Networks Based on Small-worlds Principles

10:00am-10:30am Coffee break

10:30am-12:00pm Self-management and Cloud Computing, Panel Moderator: Ozalp Babaoglu (University of Bologna)

  • John Wilkes (Google)
  • Tal Klein (Citrix Systems)
  • Alexander Clemm (Cisco Systems)
  • Thorsten von Eicken (RightScale)
  • Mendel Rosenblum (Stanford University)

12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch (Conference Provided, Posters available in the lunch area)

1:30pm-3:00pm Session 2: Hardware and Networking

  • Andreas Bernauer, Oliver Bringmann and Wolfgang Rosenstiel. Generic Self-Adaptation to Reduce Design Effort for System-on-Chip
  • Uwe Brinkschulte and Mathias Pacher. A Theoretical Examination of a Self-Adaptation Approach to Improve the Real-Time Capabilities in Multi-Threaded Microprocessors
  • Stefan Wildermann, Tobias Ziermann and Jürgen Teich. Self-organizing Bandwidth Sharing in Priority-based Medium Access

3:00pm-3:30pm Coffee break

3:30pm-5:00pm Session 3: Robotics

  • Yaochu Jin, Hongliang Guo and Yan Meng. Robustness Analysis and Failure Recovery of A Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Multi-Robot System
  • Emre Cakar and Christian Müller-Schloer. Self-Organising Interaction Patterns of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Populations
  • Lukas König and Hartmut Schmeck. A Completely Evolvable Genotype-Phenotype Mapping for Evolutionary Robotics

Friday, September 18th

08:30am-10:00am Session 1: Software Adaptation

  • Dirk Niebuhr, Andreas Rausch, Cornel Klein, Jürgen Reichmann and Reiner Schmid. Guaranteeing Correctness of Component Bindings in Dynamic Adaptive Systems based on Runtime Testing
  • Joshua Jones, Chris Parnin, Avik Sinhraroy, Spencer Rugaber and Ashok Goel. Teleological Software Adaptation
  • Cyril BALLAGNY, Nabil Hameurlain and Franck Barbier. MOCAS: a State-Based Component Model for Self-Adaptation

10:00am-10:30am Coffee break

10:30am-12:00pm Session 2: Applications

  • Daniel Gmach, Jerry Rolia and Ludmila Cherkasova. Satisfying Service Level Objectives in a Self-Managing Resource Pool
  • Fahad Javed and Naveed Arshad. AdOpt: An Adaptive Optimization Framework for Large-scale Power Distribution Systems
  • Jiaming Li, Geoff James and Geoff Poulton. Set-Points Based Optimal Multi-Agent Coordination for Controlling Distributed Energy Loads

12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch (on your own)

1:30pm-3:00pm Session 3: Distributed Control and Learning

  • Alexandra Brintrup, Tao Gong, Andreas Ligtvoet, Chris Davis, Willem van Willigen and Edward Robinson. Distributed control of emergence: lying agents in particle swarms\ and ant colonies
  • David B. Knoester and Philip K. McKinley. Evolution of Probabilistic Consensus in Digital Organisms
  • Mohammad Ahmad Munawar, Miao Jiang, Thomas Reidemeister and Paul. A. S. Ward. Filtering system metrics for minimal correlation-based self-monitoring

3:00pm-3:30pm Coffee break

03:30pm-4:30pm Postnote Presentation, Michael Jordan, University of Califronia, Berkeley. Topic: Recent Developments in Distributed Machine Learning.