Ganapathi, A., Chen Y., Fox A., Katz R., & Patterson D.
(2010). Statistics-Driven Workload Modeling for the Cloud.
Workshop on Self-Managing Database Systems (SMDB).
Hindman, B., Konwinski A., Zaharia M., & Stoica I.
(2009). A Common Substrate for Cluster Computing.
Proceedings of USENIX HotCloud'09: Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing. Abstract
Ganapathi, A., Datta K., Fox A., & Patterson D.
(2009). A Case for Machine Learning to Optimize Multicore Performance.
Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallel Computing (HotPar).
Rubinstein, B. I. P., Nelson B., Huang L., & Joseph A. D.
(2009). Compromising and Defending PCA-based Anomaly Detectors for Network-Wide Traffic.
Altekar, G., & Stoica I.
(2009). ODR: Output-Deterministic Replay for Multicore Debugging.
Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP).
Ganapathi, A., Kuno H., Daval U., Wiener J., Fox A., Jordan M., et al.
(2009). Predicting Multiple Performance Metrics for Queries: Better Decisions Enabled by Machine Learning.
ICDE 2009. Abstract
Armbrust, M., Fox A., Patterson D., Lanham N., Oh H., Trushkowsky B., et al.
(2009). Scads: Scale-independent storage for social computing applications.
Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR). Abstract
Chun, B. - G., Iannaccone G., Iannaccone G., Katz R., Lee G., & Niccolini L.
(2009). An Energy Case for Hybrid Datacenters.
HotPower. Abstract
Cook, H., Asanovic K., & Patterson D.
(2009). Virtual Local Stores: Enabling Software-Managed Memory Hierarchies in Mainstream Computing.
36th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2009).